Working from home most definitely comes with its perks. There’s an endless supply of snacks and your coworker can come in the form of a puppy. But if you’ve worked remotely before, you’ll know that motivation can vanish easily. That’s why we’ve gathered some helpful tips to keep you on track during your next workday from home.

1. Get Ready as if You’re Going to the Office
Even if you’re working from home, get ready in the morning as if you’re going into the office. That means you still need to brush your teeth, wash your face and get dressed. Staying in your pjs and working from the bed all morning will only make it difficult to focus. So, keep your morning routine the same and start your day productively.
2. Work in a Designated Space
One of the biggest temptations when working from home is choosing your bed or sofa as your workspace. However, these cozy spots were built for relaxation. They’ll only decrease your motivation to work hard – and lead to a nap or two. Instead, create a home office or designate your desk as your work area. This will create a separation between work and relaxation.
3. Make Yourself Comfortable
Now that you’ve designated a separate workspace, make sure your set-up is comfortable. Use an ergonomic office chair so your back is properly aligned. Also, double check to see if your desk and chair are leveled so you’re not slouching or straining. As long as you’re comfortable, you’ll work more efficiently and for longer periods of time.
4. Schedule Your Day
Spend the first 10 to 15 minutes of your workday creating a schedule. Break up your day by the hour or chunks of hours and write what you need to do for each time slot. This will help keep you on task and accountable throughout the day. Don’t forget to schedule in time for your lunch and breaks as well!
5. Set Alarms for Breaks
It’s natural for people to get distracted throughout the day. Our brains just aren’t wired to stay focused on one task for eight hours straight. That’s why breaks can be so beneficial. One study recommends you take a 17 minute break every 90 minutes, however it’s really up to your personal preference. Just remember to set an alarm for each break and spread them throughout your day. Try to focus solely on work during work time and reserve distractions or web surfing for breaks only.

6. Be Active
If you’ve worked from home before, you may be familiar with cabin fever. It’s that restless feeling that comes from sitting in the same position all day or being stuck in the same room for a long period of time. Combat cabin fever by being active. It can be something as simple as stretching, making a trip to the living room or a walking around your neighborhood. Physically moving will make you more refreshed and ready to tackle your next task.
7. Turn Off Social Media Notifications
Social media is a double-edged sword. It’s entertaining and a great medium for staying close with loved ones. However, it can also lead to several hours of distraction. Before you start working, go into your Instagram, Twitter or Facebook settings and turn off the visual and sound notifications. This will decrease your urge to play with your phone too often.
8. Cancel Out Noise
Have you ever been in the middle of a thought only to be interrupted by the sound of a horn honking or dog barking outside? Interruptions are inevitable. But you can try to limit some of the noise outdoors by listening to music through noise-cancelling headphones. You could also opt for a white noise machine to help keep outside disturbances to a minimum.
9. Keep Your Office and Digital Space Organized
Seeing piles of mess on your desk can cause subconscious stress and visual distraction. Be sure to regularly organize your work desk by throwing away things you don’t need and keeping your files organized. The same goes for your computer desktop! Having dozens of files scattered across your desktop or unread emails in your inbox can be super distracting. Make time to regularly organize your digital space. The clear out will act like a mental refresh.

10. Interact with Co-Workers
Working from home can make you miss your co-workers – watercooler chats and all! Try to stay connected with co-workers while at home. You can message them, send them an email or schedule a video conference. This will help normalize your workday and decrease any feelings of isolation you might get while working from home.
11. Schedule Check-Ins
If you don’t do this already, you may want to schedule regular check-ins with your supervisor. This will foster communication and keep you accountable for the tasks that need to be completed. Plus, it’s always great to break up your workday with different events. The diversity will make working from home more interesting.
12. Check Emails Regularly
Whether you communicate with your office through email or an instant messaging service, be sure to check this regularly throughout your day. One of the biggest risks of working from home is delayed communication which can push back deadlines and prolong projects. Keep your email or messaging as a pinned tab on your internet browser – that way it’ll remind you to check more regularly.
13. Finish Work at a Set Time
Sometimes the best part of a workday is quitting time, am I right? Set a concrete time to sign off work every day. After that time, try not to do additional tasks like replying to emails. In many instances, working from home can make you work more than the average office workday or make you work constantly. So be strict with yourself and keep a clear separation between work and relaxation. The more rest you get, the better you’ll be able to work the next day!
Try to listen to what your mind and body are saying. If you need to switch off for a moment and take a walk, then do it. Or if you’re in the zone and only need one break for the day, then let that feeling lead you. When you keep your mental and emotional health as a priority, your work will reflect that positively.